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Wellbeing at NC State CVM

Our online home for connecting the community to people, services, programs, and other resources dedicated to helping us live and be well.


The NC State College of Veterinary Medicine Wellbeing Initiative supports the wellbeing of the entire CVM community – students, staff, faculty, and house officers – through consultation, organizational strategy, connection to resources, education, enhanced communication, needs assessment and collaborative programming.

The initiative intentionally uses the term “Wellbeing” to indicate its focus on a whole-person, whole-community approach. While “wellness” traditionally focuses on physically and possibly mentally well, “wellbeing” is a more inclusive concept, as it acknowledges the impact of social, occupational, environmental, cultural, and financial factors. “Wellbeing” makes space for the intersections of these factors – and addresses systems that impact one’s ability to live well.

Wellbeing Resources

Check out our extensive repository of resources for all things wellbeing!

Visit our Resources Page! 

Using our site:

The primary purpose of the Wellbeing Website is to provide a tool for connecting members of the CVM community with available resources that have the potential to support their wellbeing. It is a hub for connecting to existing resources and information in one place. We hope it is helpful to you, and that you’ll check back from time to time to see what’s new and updated!

This page and its contents will develop and grow over time, so we encourage you to visit often. If you have any questions or suggestions for content, please contact us at